Monday, December 2, 2013

English in my life

Hi partners and Miss! This time I will write about our English subject and this idiom in our normal life. First, I think that is necessary recognize that subject of English have been useful for me and I have learned many things about this idiom, although I should to continue with my education in this area. I learned more in English 3 and English 4, because the 1 and 2 have been simple and boring too much (I did not do English 1, but my partners said this to me).
The blogs are a important tool for improve our written communication, but for this reason the English subject is very long and it began tiring; this is a aspect that, I think, could improve in the future: the blogs always should be a homework and, in the week, to have just one session of class (similar to actual system). Other aspect to improve could be that one week after we do a blog, send us a review for don’t to do the same mistakes in the next blog.

The English idiom is very common to use the new technologies like to use computers and programs; also is very common in my career too, because many times we have text in English for read, and is complicated for me, cause in addition, is a scientific language, in fact today I should read a text in English for my subject “Ergonomía cognitiva”. Furthermore, I hope to participate in congress in foreign countries in the future, so when I graduate of Psychology I will study in a English Institute for improve this idiom and, in this way, to have more opportunities in my future jobs.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Uf! this year...

Hi everybody! I will refer to the good and bad things in this year for me. First, the goods things that happened to me in this year is that I found a good guarder to my daughter, I have had a good qualifications in the university, I have laughed with my friends really much,  I have learned more about my career and I enjoy my vacations in February. For the other hand, I happened for bad moments too, for example, in this year I have been very poor; my daughter went to a bad guarder for three days, and one week after, TV shows that two child have escaped to this guarder and they walked alone very much!; other thing bad is that in this semester I chose my subjects so my friends and me take distance and now we talk less.
I think that my big achievement is that I could do my subjects with good qualifications, at the same time I could care to my daughter and I have been a housewife; and all this I have done  with love and enjoyed this aspect of my life.

Well, there are other things that I could not do: I wanted do more physical activity, but I did not have time to this; furthermore, I would have like to do more activities in the university, such as to participate in an investigation or teach to student more young; finally, I would like to have a job, because in this year I needed more money, however, I will have a job in my vacations and when start the class in the next year I will work making tutorials to child.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Hi classmates and Miss, today I want to say that I am tired, and I want to finish this semester in the university, but I will be really happy when Christmas arrives… I love Christmas! It is my favorite time, is a time full of love, peace, forgiveness and family. It is really beautiful for me to see the children with their face of happiness in that day. Christmas is an especial day in which the people think in their close friends and family; you should choose an appropriate present for your close people. For example, my daughter is asking for a bike headgear of Minnie Mouse since July, although she does not even have a bike, so I also have to buy one. I also like typical Christmas food like Christmas cookies, roast turkey, sodas, and stuff. My boyfriend and I agreed to spend Christmas one year his family and the next with mine. So this year it is my boyfriend’s family’s turn. But I am not very pleased for it because I don’t get along with my mother-in-law. We have had many fights, mostly because of her fault, jajaja. Antonia believes in Saint Claus though I have told her he does not exist, because Saint Claus appear in TV, in magazines and my family talk about him. The presents and all associated with Christmas is very exciting to Antonia (and for me too), she is waiting that day, and we listen Christmas songs every days.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Environmental care

Hi everybody!  The environmental is a topic that should interest to all persons, because the industries and our habits make damage to it. Unfortunately, our society does not think in the environmental issues, and the productions and a life more easily are more important than the environmental friendly practice.  But, on the other hand, there are people than is very aware with this topic and promote the good practice for the world; although they are very few persons and they cannot give the information to everyone and promote in all places, additionally, there are not policies than promote the environmental friendly practice. For these reasons, I do not know where we can learn about environmental care, maybe sometimes I have seen in TV, in the news I think, any related with environmental groups. I think that I need recycle more, but in our country do not exist the conditions for do it, because in the dump, all the trash are mixed. But, also I try to care the environmental, for this I do not leave trash in the street or public places; I try to keep lights switched off if I don’t use it.
I don’t like use bike, because the cars scare to me, although I use my legs very much, moreover we sold our car… so I just use my legs. But when I had a car, I didn’t use it much.
I believe that would be interesting participate in any eco-organization, but for now I don’t have leaven time for this activities. I think that a good way to reduce the carbon footprint is change the car than pollute for other car more careful with the environmental, do not keep the charger plugged and leave the batteries and cellular phones in the appropriate bin.

Santiago, with this bad way for environmental care, has missing things like a beautiful view from the hills, when I go to center of Santiago I always come back to home with headache and  the green areas are few for the contamination.

Friday, October 18, 2013


Hi everybody! In this opportunity I will refer to summer. The summer is a great time, except for one thing: the diets…  We, the women, think in the summer when start the spring, because it’s more hot and we don’t wear the sweater. So, is in that moment when start the problem, and I say me “Oh, no! Francisca, you have eaten like a pig in all the winter!” and for this, I propose me go to the gym and eat healthy food. But the summer has many good things, for example, I visit to my family and friends more times than in the others seasons of the year, because in the summer I’m on vacation ( and this is other good thing) and I have more time to my personal and social life. For the other hand, we go to the beach; it’s really relaxing be out Santiago, cause you can enjoy the landscape, swimming, know new places, spend time with family, etc. In the last summer, I visit Villarrica Lake with my boyfriend and our daughter. Is beautiful, but the most awesome happened one day that we decided start to drive to any place, and we came to a lake that doesn’t appeared in the map and I don’t remember its name, but is very near to Argentina. The water of this lake is the mast clear and with the most beautiful color that I could see in my life.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Summary: Irregular bedtimes and effects in the behaviors
Hi! This time I refer about the news of the “The guardian”, the title is “Children with regular bedtimes less likely to misbehave”. The news refer that the University College of London (UCL) made a study about the bedtimes in child; for this, are studied more than 10.000 children. This study showed that child with irregular bedtimes are more likely to present behavioral problems, as hyperactivity, additionally, child present symptoms as the jet lag. The child with irregular bedtimes, were associated with others types of bad routines like see TV in the bedroom and for too hours, not eat breakfast or not read daily; and, in the journal Pediatrics, this article say that keep healthy routines is very hard to families with parents that work for a long time, so should have policies that care the routines of the child. Although this irregular routines are reversible, this was demonstrate for parents that change the hours of the bedtimes of their child, and they show a better behavior. Professor Ivonne Kelly of the UCL department of epidemiology and public health says that the regular bedtimes are important to healthy development, so a good routine is important to the future of the child. For the other hand, Professor Kelly says that if sleeping with a regular routine and property hours is favorable to the development, the interventions should focus on the education for families to teach good habits for their daily life.

My biggest love... Antonia

Hi Miss and partners! I will refer about the most important in my life… Is my daughter Antonia, I think in her all day and every day. She is two years old; although she ever says that she is a big girl and she is three years, even sometimes she says that is three years old, because she want grow very fast. She talks all the time, and if nobody ear her, she talks alone. Antonia is very self-sufficient, in fact, if she is hungry, she does not say me, she goes to the refrigerator, takes yoghurt, takes a spoon, goes to chair, open your yoghurt, eats it, throws it in the bin and leaves the spoon in the dishwasher. We love play together, and we read stories every night; we are really close.  She likes make-up, the potato chips (very much), the new clothes, plays with other child, draws, paints, dances, sings, and other things that I don’t remember now. Sometimes, Antonia angry because I use the computer for study or make home works, so do these things is difficult with her in home. She have positive qualities a lot, well, I’m her mom, so I should think this, but really she have positive qualities; first, she is too beautiful, second, she is intelligent, furthermore, she is a empathic person and she likes help to other people. Wherever, I might be talk about Antonia  all day, but I should control myself.

Monday, September 30, 2013

My friends

Hi everybody, today I explain about friendship. To me, friendship is very important for the life of the persons. You can be friend of any person, the blood don´t care, yours actions with your friend are more important than the blood. So, you can be friend of your family too, because your behaviors makes the relations and makes the love. The friends are important for give support and funny to your live. My best friend call her Paz, we are friends since we were 11 years old, she make me laugh very much, she is funny, she always support to me and she reprove me too if I need this. Paz is a godmother of my daughter and we talk and meet constantly until today. We had a group of friends in the school, and all us follow be friend.  In the university I have good friends too, one of their, is Catalina, she is very funny too, and our lives are similar, the both live in peripheries places, and both have children. Finally, I would like to thank my friends, because they are part of me.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Australia, my prefer country to visit

Hi, in this opportunity I will write about my prefer country to visit. I like Chile and its places, but I like know Australia too. I think that Australia should have wonderful places like beaches, places with nature and exotic animals. This country is in Oceania and its capital is Canberra, although I know more about Sidney because there were Olympics games in this city years ago. Australia is known for its kangaroos, exotic animal that I like know it. I had seen in TV that Australia have some jungles; is beauty but I will scare if I’ll walk in the jungle. It seems to me that this country is a place quit to live even if has very places to party at night.  I like visit this country in my vacations, or maybe live for a both months, but I will feel very strange living in other country, additionally, I will travel with my family, because I could not leave to my boyfriend and daughter for a long time.

Friday, September 6, 2013

My ideal job... I do not know!

Hi, I am not sure about what I want to have as a job in the future.  I think that I would work in Juridical Psychology or Clinical Psychology. If my future job is on juridical psychology, I prefer to attend prisoners patients and help them in the process of social reintegration.  But I like clinical psychology too, because I'm interested in the studying one person for a long time. In any case, I feel that the job is very important for me and for my community.

I will need many qualities to dedicate to these jobs; the primordial quality is the passion for psychology, and I have this. The second important quality is the love for the people of our community and wanting to help them, and I have this too. But, I need more than these qualities, I need more knowledge and I really need more practice! I feel insecure to work with persons.
I think that I will be a great psychologist, because I am in love of psychology and I need to dedicate my life to help other persons. I will work with efforts to do important changes in my environment.

The principal difficulty to clinical psychology job is the few resources to public health that limits the good job of the psychologist. And the principal problem on juridical psychology is that policies do not consider an effective social reintegration.